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The book is called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It's about this boy named Percy who finds out his Father is Poseidon, the god of the sea.  So Kronos wants to rule again and Percy has to go through hydra's, gorgons, witches, cyclopses, and other gods and demi gods.  Has earns friends and finds out he has other family.  Grover the saytr, Annabeth, the daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.  Tyson is Percy's brother, (also a cyclops.)  There are 5 books to the series. 
Harry Potter is about a boy who lives with his aunt and uncle who discovers that he has magic powers.  A giant named Hagrid comes to pick Harry up and tells Harry that he's a wizard.  Harry's parents were killed by a very evil wizard named Voldemort who wanted to kill Harry in the first place.  Like Percy, Harry aquires friends throughout his year's at Hogwarts, his best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
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